Luglio-agosto 2024
July-August 2024

Forgiatura / Forging
Memorie Scientifiche / Scientific papers
Hot deformation characteristics and dynamic recrystallization behaviors of adamite cast steel for work rolls in hot rolling
Y-J. An, K-T. Cho, J-Y. Jeon, S-E. Shin, D-G. Kim
Effect of 600°C reversion treatment to reabsorb α’ forged components made of F51 DSS
S. Barella, A. Gruttadauria, C. Mapelli, P. Cetto, M. Mogliazzi
Best practice analysis of an industrial cogging process for a tool steel ingot
K. Van Putten, G. Winning
Heat-treatment analysis considering transformation plasticity and creep deformation for large forged steel
Y. Yanagisawa, Y. Kishi, M. Minamiya, K. Saitoh
Optimization of pre-forging heating procedures: an approach based on finite element modeling
J. Ferino, A. Meleddu, M. Longin, G. Camicia
Effects of thermo-mechanical treatments on mechanical properties of seamless rolled rings in 5083 aluminium alloy for wind turbine application
V. Mahesh, D. Busato, K. Saravanan, R. Meenakshi Sundaram