novembre dicembre 2015

- Evoluzione della microstruttura, della texture, del comportamento anisotropo e della superplasticità della lega ZK60 processata mediante ECAP
E. Mostaed, M. Vedani, A. Fabrizi, F. Bonollo - Austempering kinetics of a ductile iron
M. Pellizzari, C. Menapace, G. Straffelini, M. Cazzolli, M. Dal Molin, F. Vettore, E. Veneri - Microstructural characterization and layer stability of low-temperature carburized AISI 304L and AISI 904L austenitic stainless steel
G. Maistro, L. Nyborg, Y. Cao, S. Vezzù - Non-destructive in situ monitoring of the microstructural development in high performance steel components during heat treatment
O. Bruchwald, W. Frackowiak, W. Reimche, H. J. Maier - Investigation of martensite formation in Fe based alloys during heating from boiling nitrogen temperature
M. Villa, T. L. Christiansen, M. F. Hansen, M. A.J. Somers - Effect of underwater wet welding conditions on the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
D. Fydrych, A. Świerczyńska, G. Rogalski