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18th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes

Granada (Spain) - 14-18 September 2025

Congress website: https://euromat2025.com/ 

It is a great pleasure and a privilege to announce the 18th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes – FEMS EUROMAT 2025, which will be held in Granada (Spain), 14 – 18 September 2025. The congress will be exclusively on-site and the venue will be the Congress Palace of Granada, a modern building, located within walking distance from the city center, with all the facilities and amenities needed for a successful meeting. The Organizing Committee and the Managing Committee are already working to design an attractive program focusing the last advances in Materials Science and Technology and to offer delegates the possibility to exchange ideas and strengthen collaborations and discussions among the different sectors of the materials community from research, academia and industry. Our goal is to create the best conditions for such parnertship and to promote the collaboration inside and outside Europe.

The Organizing Society is the Spanish Society of Materials, SOCIEMAT, which has a solid experience in the organization of events, including the National Congress on Materials in Spain every two years, and some European Conferences, such as FEMS EUROMAT 2013 and EUROCORR 2019.

We encourage the participation of students, researchers, professors, engineers, technicians, industrial partners and all persons interested in the advancement and development of materials and to share their knowledge and experience in order to achieve a successful event.

We are delighted to organize the FEMS EUROMAT 2025 Conference and we look forward to welcoming you in Granada, a relatively small-sized city with excellent infrastructure that makes it an ideal city to visit. Only in Granada conference delegates and visitors will enjoy Alhambra, Generalife and Albaicín, all declared Human Heritage sites by UNESCO.

On behalf of the Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Moreno
Chair of FEMS EUROMAT 2025

Congress website: https://euromat2025.com/

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