DTMI 2025, the International Workshop Ing. Carlo Longaretti on Digital Tools for the Metallurgical Industry, will be an international meeting of excellent level for sharing knowledge and results about the applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computational Simulation and Data Protection in the metallurgical fields. Theory, methodology, results and further potentialities will be dealt with. The aim of the Workshop is to provide a platform where researchers and practitioners from both academia will meet and share cutting-edge development about the aspects that are ruling the digital transitions.
Authors are invited to contribute to the Workshop by submitting presentations that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works, successful histories and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of computer science, engineering and applications applied to the Metallurgical sector.
Carlo Mapelli – Politecnico di Milano
Paola Bassani - CNR ICMATE
Mauro Bianchi Ferri - Acciarium
Giovanni Mario Caironi - FIAS Casting
Valentina Colla - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Cosmo Di Cecca - Feralpi Siderurgica
Gianpaolo Foglio - Feralpi Siderurgica
Arianna Gotti - Transvalor
Marta Guzzon - Tenova
Enrico Morgano - MotivexLab
Raffaella Poggio - Pipex Energy
Tiziana Tronci - Gefond
Cristian Viscardi - Ecotre Valente
Alessandro Zago - Cogne Acciai Speciali
The Workshop will be performed through invited presentations and on the basis of the selection of the abstracts sent by authors and companies interested in sharing their updated knowledge on the following topics. The deadline for the abstract undergoing the selection is on July 31, 2025, in order to fulfill the final program.
- Artificial Intelligence Tools and Application
- Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools
- Computational simulation and modeling
- Simulations of metallurgical phenomena
- Improvement of the process efficiency
- Digital Twins
- Application of digital tools for quality assurance
- Innovative computational approach
- Control and simulation of Plastic Deformation
- Control and simulation of Melting and Solidification Process
- Control and simulation of the Thermal Treatments
- Simulation of Microstructural Evolution
- Robotics
- Recent Trends and Developments
- Succeful and promising applications of the digital tools in the metallurgical fields
Prospective speakers wishing to present are invited to submit a tentative title and an abstract of about 400 words (in English) to the Organising Secretariat (
The abstract should provide sufficient information for a fair assessment.
Two ways to submit papers will be available:
- to fill in the form on the International Workshop page at www.aimnet.it
- to send the title and the abstract, together with the requested information (Name and Surname, Affiliation, Mailing Address, Phone and e-mail) by e-mail to: conference@aimnet.it
Submission of abstracts: 31 July 2025
Information on acceptance: 30 September 2025
Opening online registration: 30 September 2025
Submission of pdf presentations: 7 November 2025
Submission of full papers (optional): After the Workshop
All participants will receive the pdf presentations in digital format at the Workshop.
Authors interested in writing full papers for publication on “La Metallurgia Italiana - International Journal of the Italian Association for Metallurgy” (the scientific journal of AIM, which is covered in the Science Citation indexed by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters), and in Scopus by Elsevier B.V) are invited to inform the Editorial Secretariat (
met@aimnet.it) best while submitting their abstract.
The Workshop language will be English.
The Workshop will be held in Bergamo at the Congress Center Giovanni XXIII, Viale Papa
Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia
Via Filippo Turati 8
20121 Milano - Italy
t. +39 0276021132 or +39 0276397770