Home / eventi / giornate di studio / fracture toughness: an additional parameter to control sheet metal quality

Fracture toughness: an additional parameter to control sheet metal quality

in person + online

Ravenna at Marcegaglia plant / Teams - 19 April 2023

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ToughSteel is a European project funded under the frame of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) programme. The main aim of ToughSteel is the dissemination and valorisation of fracture toughness as a material property to rationalise crack-related problems in Advanced High Strength Steels.

In this workshop, we will present some of the experimental results carried out in the frame of ToughSteel’s Open Call. The OpenCall was organized to collect relevant industrial case studies that can be addressed using a fracture toughness-based approach, such as edge cracking issues or fracture problems related to steel coil quality. A total of six case studies from different European companies of the sheet steel sector were selected. The results of two of these studies will be presented in this workshop. The aim is to demonstrate how fracture toughness measurements can help to better understand the fracture behaviour of high strength metal sheets and improve material selection in different industrial processes.

Event's schedule:

Introduction to Marcegaglia company
Introduction to fracture toughness methodology
Presentation of Open Call case studies results
Marcegaglia plant visit

To attend online (via Teams), please register or

Click here to join the meeting

For any additional information, please write to: info@aimnet.it


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